Synergistic Crystallization

Something I discovered about working with the non-physical realms, was the manner in which the information is communicated. I feel that the more balanced I became with my own energy, combined with the focus on identifying personal ego involvement, created the most impact in my relationship with the way my gifts progressed and were expressed. What I discovered was that if willing, spirit would lead me through the teachings in the same increments and at the same level as my ability to understand the spiritual concepts.

Some might argue that understanding life force energy, could have been a starting place for exploring my gifts. I wouldn’t deny that as a possibility, but it seems to have been presented in a step-by-step manner that was the most beneficial for my own personal development.Without the basis for expanding knowledge in the pertinent areas of my current study, I could have easily been confused. As I began to advance my own abilities to provide a detailed energy assessment, the information on life force energy might have taken me into the field of illusions or an area of confusion. This would be especially true with the aspect of measuring life force energy. 

What I discovered with my personal process, was that my ability to understand and measure life force energy was a synergetic crystallization of the entire knowledge base. There were so many aha moments, that made everything seem organic and natural. With a simple measurement of human energy, the power of my own discernment seemed to rise effortlessly.

An example of the process of discernment would include the following questions asked of spirit during an advanced energy assessment: Were the adrenals over working and if so, how does that connect to stress, life purpose, ancestors, physicality, or current situations? Is there a foreign energy present that shows up in the measurement of life force energy? Does the client have a low-life force due to a Polarity Reversal, and is this the root cause or the symptom of the imbalance? Can a process with the client effectively restore balance to their life force energy in order to fight a disharmony, disease, or illness? Can I send the client home with a protocol that could successfully establish balance with the entire system? Can I even be of service to my client at all? Is the information received by the client from other sources accurate, such as that from other intuitive readers, nutritionist, etc.? As I studied life force energy, the answer to these types of questions and more, were suddenly more easily understandable. That meant confidence levels increased exponentially with the teachings, as if I was completing a master level program taught by the non-physical realms.

Part of the beauty of the IEL Institute for the Spiritual Arts, allows everyone to create their own blueprint for success. Each person gets to determine what teachings they are drawn to, where they want to begin, what order they want to progress in learning the concepts, and what fits their budget. In the beginning I wanted a step-by-step process that matched my experience, mainly because I witnessed the best results. But key people  pointed out the flaw in that thinking, and opened me up to the larger Universal truth, which is we all march to a different drum beat.

Now I have witnessed people starting at the top, then circling around back to the beginning to fill in the gaps with their understanding. I have seen many members of the IEL Institute for the Spiritual Arts take a master level class first and progress from that starting point. They found success with their method and since I am results oriented, who can say what is right or wrong, good or bad. If the process unfolds to accomplish the highest benefit in growing an individual’s gifts, then the mission is successful!

After completing all sections of the IEL Institute for the Spiritual Arts, one should be equipped to deliver a master level assessment, conduct a stellar intuitive reading, measure human energy in great detail, and help create a significant shift in another person’s life.  The last section on Life-Force Energy focuses on energy channels, Reiki and different views, organ channel disruptions, how to clear organ channels, and information that completes an understanding of energy flow and balancing techniques. In addition, there are case study examples of master level energy assessments and key viewpoints on aspects of energy balancing designed to round out the knowledge and abilities of anyone seeking wisdom in the spiritual arts.

As we continue to strive to make the program the best possible experience, we are currently exploring the next level with the excitement and enthusiasm needed to discover more information with the spirit driven interests of the intuitive reader, energy healer, medical intuitive, modern shaman, and those with interest in the spiritual arts.

As we continue to strive to make the program the best possible experience, we are currently exploring the next level with the excitement and enthusiasm needed to discover more information with the spirit driven interests of the intuitive reader, energy healer, medical intuitive, modern shaman, and those with interest in the spiritual arts.

by Russell Forsyth

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